Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday Traditions: Driving & Looking At Christmas Lights

Would you believe that this was my least favorite tradition when I was growing up? I was a teenager when we started doing it, and it never made any sense driving around in circles looking at a few Christmas light displays. Can you say boring? (for a teenager not used to doing this, it was boring!)

And yet, as an adult, this is one tradition that I look forward to, probably more than any other!

Hubs and I started this family tradition a few years ago when I found a housing community that has huge light displays near where I work. We have continued this tradition every year.

This year, we went on Monday evening, our family's designated "Family Home Evening" or FHE. This is a night that, each week, we have a special family activity. We sing songs (well, that's not really anything new because we sing songs before the kids go to bed, but we just don't burst out in song any other time of day! lol), we read a scripture story, and we have a short lesson and activity. The kids don't get dessert very often, so we let them have a dessert at the end of our FHE. It's a really special event that our children look forward to every week.

And how they loved looking at the Christmas lights! It made for a great FHE. One year, we tried looking at the Christmas lights on Christmas Day, and it was kind of a disappointment. It seemed like half of the houses didn't have their lights on--they must have been visiting family and forgot to plug in the lights or set a timer. So going on a Monday night, a few days before Christmas, worked out great.
And the moral of the story? Even if your teenager things this is a boring activity, keep doing it! One day they'll come to apreciate it. I know I certainly am grateful to my mom for introducing this tradition to me.

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