Monday, January 25, 2010

To-Do Tuesday: Week 3

I almost--almost--got everything checked off last week's list. Alas, I have given up putting away the Christmas decorations. There isn't any way the boxes can come down from the attic so long as my adorable hubbie has the kitchen and dining room in the state of disarray that they currently are. He's the kind of guy that gets "gung ho" about a project and doesn't want to put off starting, so he immediately begins the new project, forgetting that there might be something else that needs to get done first. I've always been attracted to my hubbie's gung-ho enthusiasm because it definitely gets done (I'm the procrastinator of the family). So at this point, the thought has crossed my mind to cut out paper hearts, put them on the Christmas tree with the other ornaments, and call it a Valentine's tree (and plastic Easter eggs for Easter, and little red white & blue flags for Memorial Day & Independence Day... ;).

Here's what I've put on this week's To-Do List. You can view Week 1 here, and Week 2 here.
  • I'm keeping the "put away Christmas decorations" task on the list, but I know that it won't happen this week. Still, I'll leave it on the back burner just in case a miracle happens and I can at least pull down the totes from the attic.
  • √Super clean the bathroom. I wipe down the sink, toilet & tub at least a couple days a week, but every few weeks I do a major cleaning job. I clean the baseboards, wipe down the outside of the cat litter box, rearrange some of the cabinets if they get unorganized...I've even been known to pull out a stiff toothbrush and use it to clean hard to reach places on the floor (a toothbrush used just on the floor, of course, not one for anyone's teeth! lol).
  • √Go to the New Beginnings Young Women's activity.
  • √Send back the Shoppers' Hotline scanner. We ditched our local & long distance phone service provider and got ourselves a Magic Jack several months ago. It was great for us, but not so great for the scanner. The scanner is not compatible, and the only option was to cash in my points for a rewards card ($20, woohoo!) and return the scanner. Aside from getting the money, there is one bright note. I no longer have to scan all my grocery purchases each week.
  • Wake up at 5:30am 4 days this week. I managed to conquer the comfy bed and alarm clock and woke up at 5:30am 3 days last week. Well, sort of. I woke up, but laid in bed about 15-20 minutes, then crawled out. So this week I want to actually get out of bed. I'm conditioning myself to get out of bed early so that I will have no excuse to not exercise in the morning. Right now, I am doing a good job of Maximizing my Mornings. I get up, read a chapter from The Book, and I even get to accomplish mini tasks like unloading the dishwasher and folding a load of laundry. Yea!
  • √Get some blog posts created in advance since I will be going out of town on a scrapbooking retreat. (Yes! Time to relax and rejuvenate and get caught up on one of my favorite activities.)
  • √Go on the scrapbooking retreat, enjoy myself, and get loads of pages done so I can get caught up.

This post is linked to Week 49 at Crazy Adventure's in Parenting.


  1. DeAna, you and I think alike! While I want the christmas decor down, I'm still second guessing whether I want the tree down, I love it so much (and so does my baby dude).

  2. LOL, I'm rolling! I liked that post you had about your little boy and his love for the Christmas tree. :)


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